Some phone photos from this winter: Getting his orange belt with Mr. Patten and Miss Broyles, Dinner at the European Cafe in Mongomery, and Zachary with a friend at Super Saturday Origami class.
Aiden, Michelle, the boys, and I went to see our second (and last of the year) show at the Playhouse in the Park Next Generation Theater Series. The kids LOVED it. It's so much fun watching them laugh like CRAZY watching a live show. I'm so glad we decided to go to some shows this year! (And of course there's nothing that could wrap up an adventure like a stop at Graeter's. It's the worlds best ice cream, for those of you not in the know.)
This brings a new meaning to being uplifted at church:
So, here's the benefit of Tim being on Trustees at church. It's the first time I've seen him with a feather duster in his hand. The lifter was cool as can be. Unfortunately I didn't get to try it!