Saturday, July 31, 2010
Day Eight: Islands
Friday, July 30, 2010
Day Seven: The Well-Beaten Path
Susie, Allison, and I bathed in the lake in the morning (we weren't using the shower, either). Though it was cold and overcast, swimming was nice, and it turned into a morning of water sports. We got out the waverunner, and (after another call to technical support, AKA Mike Hicks) I got it running. I took Allison out, then Susie, then Allison again (who drove, but never went too fast!), then Emily. My kids didn't want to go! The rain began in earnest around lunchtime. We came in to do puzzles, have lunch, and play games. Dinner was delicious - saurkraut, pork, mashed potatoes, and fried apples. I took everyone out to "hunt" for wildlife. We saw 2 deer, but that was it. When we got back, we played a game of penny in the pot. Then, I had to fix the bilge pump (in the rain). Despite some scarey sparking, it finally did drain a considerable amount of water out of the bottom of the boat.
The kids made R2-D2s for dessert:
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Day Six: Before and After
Thursday was a catch-up day for us - catching up on laziness! I had stayed up until 1:30 AM the night before, and I was dragging all day. We pretty much watched the man from Floor to Ceiling install our new countertop. I'm almost done reading the book I've been working on, Blink. I just can't seem to get through it, and I'm anxious to move on to some fiction. About the only activity I engaged in was playing ball with Goober and watcing him get in the lake and under the slip. The kids played outside, but didn't get in the water. We put the kitchen back together and went out for dinner. The old Hardee's in Ely was converted into a restaurant called Rock Wood. It was pretty tasty and a surprisingly nice atmosphere. The Loughner girls also had a chance to do some shopping in Ely (Allison was particularly excited about the Secret Sisters Consignment shop). We came home, got the kids showers, and found that we couldn't use the toilet at all. Ugh. So it's down to using the outhouse until we get that figured out.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Day Five: Starlight
Susie, Mom, and I all collaborated on beef lo mein (which really deserves to be posted on the food blog soon). YUMMY. After dinner, I took Z and E on a paddle boat ride (the lake had settled to a near glassy surface). The kids could not get enough of watching the large schools of tiny bluegill and other fish feed at the surface near the boat. They got into fits of giggling that were so fun to listen to. A and Susie went out in the canoe (and saw a deer at the water's edge) while we were on our paddle boat ride. We rounded out the night with popcorn, a game of Quirkle, and a trip down to the dock to watch the stars. Z, J, and I even saw a HUGE shooting star. A great day!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Day Four: To Town
The kids made all sorts of fun things at the library. We also got free tickets to the Dorothy Molter (Root Beer Lady) museum there. I loved it! After the museum, we stopped at the Ely Farmer's Market where we bought cilantro from Cole's Organic Garden. Cole is a 12 year old boy who grows all of his own produce, though "my dad sometimes waters it for me." So cute!