Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Toothless Trauma

Jeremy pulled out his tooth just after he got off the bus today. He was totally excited, and he was all set to put it under his pillow tonight. Then, he started thinking about it. I had to take photos of the beloved tooth. Later, I could hear him sniffling. He had gotten himself worked up into a full-out cry over the thought of the tooth being taken away by the TF. After a heart-to-heart, we decided that he would forfeit the TF money and keep the tooth!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

The bunny was here:

And here:After Sunday School and a beautiful church service, we came home to host ourselves plus 13 more family members for Easter brunch. It was a really lovely day.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Another year's egg dying project has come and gone. Highlight: Rachel walked in. We were almost out of eggs. Someone Jeremy found her one to dye. It came from the container of raw eggs. Poor girl!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Scout Sunday

Busy, busy day today. Palm Sunday. Scout Sunday. Kids sing in church. Bake sale. Sunday School meeting. I'm tired! Highlights were watching the boys sell, sell, sell and Jeremy singing with his Sunday School class in front of church.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Signs of Spring

Jeremy's show and tell this week was to bring in a sign of spring. He brought in rainwater. (Actually he brought tap water - I had to explain that all water was rain at one time. He sort of bought that.) Though we've had a lot of that around here, THIS is my sign of spring:
This is the first year I can harvest from my asparagus patch. I can't wait!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Laundry Room Project

Before we left for Spring Break, Tim and I put up new cabinets from IKEA in the laundry room. I'm practically drooling over how much space I'm going to have. While we were gone, he laid tile. The first Saturday home, I helped grout the tile. We're getting there. It was no fun to be without laundry facilities, but honestly I didn't mind going to Mom's on Monday after we got home and doing nothing but laundry all day.
There more to do (baseboards, laundry sink, built-ins), but we're getting there!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Back to School

Ready for school with just a little reminder of our awesome spring break:

Jeremy can't stop talking about how much he wishes Dad liked cruises. He wants to go again, and he wants his Dad to want to go, too. How do you tell a kid who's been on 2 cruises in his 7 years how lucky he is? How do you tell him that even if he never gets to do it again he's way ahead of most people around?