Thursday, November 26, 2009

What To Do On a Day Off School

Tuesday morning, Jeremy watched Curious George make juice. Suddenly, I was digging out my juicer (in hiding for 10 years or more), and we were headed for the grocery store for fruits and veggies. We finally made our juice on Wednesday. Here is his recipe:
And the fruits and veggies all ready to go (he made me take out the red pepper because it wasn't in the "secret family recipe"):
Both kids declared the juice Healthy and Good, but only Zachary drank his whole glass. I have to admit I thought it was pretty good, too!

Mom and I took the kids downtown on "Thanksgiving Eve" afternoon. Zachary had been asking to go up in a skyscraper. That's one of my favorite ways to see a city! Why not visit the Carew Tower one more time while it's still the tallest building in Cincy? As soon as Zachary walked out onto the roof, he exclaimed, "Wow! This is beautiful." Yes, it is! He recognized the Children's Museum at Union Terminal and the stadiums. We pointed out UC, Music Hall (where we had just seen the symphony a few days before), and the Ohio River. He was FASCINATED. Grandma even let him put quarters in the binoculars. On the other hand, after two minutes, Jeremy declared it "boring." While we were downtown, we visited the lobby of the Hilton Netherlands and Fountain Square. We treated the boys to Frisch's ("Frisch's Delicious") on the way home. What a nice afternoon!

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