We enjoyed another great day. I spent time swimming, reading, fishing, and canoeing. Tim and I and the dogs started the day with a nice walk towards Lake 4. We didn't get all the way to the area where you can see Lake 4, because Tim was worried that Josey was getting tired! It being Saturday, we made the boys blueberry pancakes. Much of my morning was spent reading in the sun on the boathouse. Zachary asked for a picnic lunch in the screenhouse. After he ate lunch, he taught me how to play chess! Tim and I also got a chance to take the canoe to Armstrong lake before dinner. We had wanted the boys to go along, but they have decided that exploring in the canoe is no fun. (When asked what would make it better, Z replied, "A motor.") It was clouding up just as we were launching. We weathered 10-15 minutes of light rain in the middle of the lake, then enjoyed a nice paddle. We brought fishing gear, and I caught a very small smallmouth bass. It was so small and barely hooked that I even took it off the hook and released it myself. In all my years coming here, it was my first time on Armstrong. We didn't make it all the way down the lake, but I plan to be back again sometime.

When we got back, we swam for a bit, then enjoyed a dinner of turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and salads. After dinner, ALL of the Cases (except Josey) went fishing. It might go down in history as the worst fishing trip of all time. Goober was acting totally crazy. My reel complete stopped letting out line, Jeremy's got all tangled up, and we ran out of leeches. We realized why Goober was wild when Jeremy shouted, "Goober pooped right by my seat!" UGH! We were nearly swamped by obnoxious boaters pulling people on a tube. We were almost home when the rotten dog vomitted all over the boat. I think there was an entire crawdad in the vomit. That was enough to do me in! I don't think I'll take Goober fishing again soon.
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