For the rest of us (and even with some help from Tim), the day was spent installing the faux-copper backsplash behind the kitchen sink. The skies were overcast and a bit rainy in the morning when we were getting started. We spent the day thinking, measuring, marking, cutting, and gluing. The result was this:
Tim worked on a puzzle for part of the day, too. I even managed to get in the lake for a (very) few minutes. Zachary had lost a lure when fishing off the dock. It was in shallow water, so I really wanted to get it so it didn't wind up in someone's foot. I looked and looked, and all I found was one of his bright yellow artificial minnows. Eventually, I was so cold, I have to give up the search.
For dinner, we made our own flatbread pizzas. They turned out spectacularly, if I do say so myself. I even made my own garlic-scape pesto to top them with. Yum!
Like many evenings while we were at the lake, we played penny in the pot before bed. Then, I read to the kids from a My America book about the Jamestown Colony.
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