Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 5: Accomplishments

Tim was again feeling stinky today, so we called the Ely Clinic. Despite many phone problems (including people being connected to someone else's house when the dialed our number, having no dial tone, and getting calls, but just not hearing the ring), we eventually got the message that the doctor had phoned in a penicillin prescription for Tim. He was able to go pick it up just before the pharmacy closed at 5:30.

For the rest of us (and even with some help from Tim), the day was spent installing the faux-copper backsplash behind the kitchen sink. The skies were overcast and a bit rainy in the morning when we were getting started. We spent the day thinking, measuring, marking, cutting, and gluing. The result was this:

Tim worked on a puzzle for part of the day, too. I even managed to get in the lake for a (very) few minutes. Zachary had lost a lure when fishing off the dock. It was in shallow water, so I really wanted to get it so it didn't wind up in someone's foot. I looked and looked, and all I found was one of his bright yellow artificial minnows. Eventually, I was so cold, I have to give up the search.

For dinner, we made our own flatbread pizzas. They turned out spectacularly, if I do say so myself. I even made my own garlic-scape pesto to top them with. Yum!

Like many evenings while we were at the lake, we played penny in the pot before bed. Then, I read to the kids from a My America book about the Jamestown Colony.

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