Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Minnesota Day 04 - Work and Play

We got to work right after breakfast with Tim cleaning gutters and mowing and me thoroughly vacuuming every surface of the cabin!  I also helped with washing some more dishes (yes, every dish in the place must be washed by hand before being used for the first time!) and scrubbed the kitchen floor.  So much to do!    Tim got out the paddle boat and hung out with the boys while they swam while I was working in the cabin.  They came in for a late-ish lunch, then we all went to try again to launch the boat.  I really don't want to admit that the reason it wouldn't start yesterday was that the dead man wasn't in.  Ugh!  It went very smoothly this time, except for Goober getting freaked out when Tim accidentally revved the motor and jumping into the lake.  Once we got the wet dog back in the boat, Zach and I drove the empty trailer back to the cabin. 

We all spent some time in and near the water in the afternoon.  Tim had Jeremy practice paddling the canoe.  Zachary swam and looked for mussels.  Jeremy hitched a ride in Lydia and Immy's paddleboat.  Tim and I swam for a bit.  Jeremy eventually decided to try to the kayak.  He paddled around the floating dock over and over.  We convinced Zach to try it, and much to his surprise, he enjoyed it.  I went inside to start dinner, and the next thing I knew, Jeremy was running up to the cabin yelling, "Mom, Mom!  Zachary's across the lake.  Dad wants to know if we should go check on him."  Of course my answer was, "YES!"  He was fine, and he had planned to paddle all the way to Lake 2!!! 

We had hamburgers, oven fries, and sauteed kale and chard for dinner.  I made it all (except for grilling the burgers) and thought it turned out pretty well.

After dinner, Jeremy and Tim did dishes, then we went out fishing.  I took the GPS out with me for the first time.  I have to admit I enjoyed it!  It was silly to spend so much time looking at the map instead of the landscape around me, but it was SO easy to find the sunken island, and I could show Mom exactly where we went when we got home.

Everyone is exhausted and they are all sleeping right now.  I am not far behind!

Again, photos of he boat for Mike:

We don't get it - looks like it will just hold the battery and that's all.  We haven't tried the lights yet.

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