Thursday, December 19, 2013


Not even trying to pretend I found something for my word today.  But, we did have a good day.  Tim is now off of work until the end of the year.  We spent the morning wrapping and mailing and tagging and more.  After lunch, we drove to Milford for a little visit to The World's Coolest Toy Store, which was getting ready to go up in flames as we arrived.  Let me explain.  We parked on the street up the hill from the store, and as we were walking toward it, a man ran up and pulled a trash can out from under an overhang.  It wasn't until a moment later that we realized that the can was on fire!  The vinyl under the overhang was already melted and hanging down.  Not to be deterred so easily, as the fire department arrived, we headed into the store to buy our gift.  We then took a short walk on the bike trail (headed west from Milford) with Goober.  There was much wildlife (to add to the buck we had seen in the back yard earlier in the day).  Squirrels, a hawk, a tufted titmouse, a male cardinal, a mourning dove.  So beautiful!  This evening, the boys went to karate, and I made 15 pounds of peppermint bark.  Am I patiently waiting for the arrival of light into the world? Or am I hurtling toward it at full speed?

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