Thursday, July 26, 2012

Minnesota Vacation Day 14

My passion for this place is clearly partly about the water - the pristine, clear, cool lake.  The wildlife that makes this beautiful spot home.  But it's nights like this that I'm reminded it may be even more about the sky - the beautiful expanse of sky that changes day by day and even hour by hour.  Today started off overcast then cleared up.  We had a beautiful late morning and early afternoon of blue skies dotted with puffy white clouds.  Then, bit by bit the sky turned grey.  Then a sudden, strong thunderstorm.  Now this evening, there is sprinkling rain, but the lake is perfectly calm.  The sun just barely peeked through around sunset, so that there was a rainbow right over the cabin, and the rain on the trees glistened like diamonds.  I feel so keenly connected to God's creation all around me here.

I had a huge pile of laundry to put away this morning after neglecting it yesterday.The boys went swimming and paddleboating.  I swam a little and watched as Tim put Goober on the floating dock and rowed off in the dinghy for some fishing.  The boys got tired of listening to him bark, so they "rescued" him in the paddle boat.  After lunchtime, Jeremy walked over to Knapps to invite Lydia to play.  The two of them swam for a bit.  Lydia kept asking when Zachary was going to come out.  Eventually he did, and he did great.  They swam over to her place for another sauna.  My favorite was watching Lydia row the boys all over the lake in the dinghy.  Also, on the long swim from our dock to theirs, Jeremy and Lydia talked the entire time.  It must have taken a lot of energy to swim and keep up a full tilt conversation as they went!

Soon, it was overcast, and they all came in for a snack.  The boys taught Lydia to play Oh Heck.  Then, it was time for her to go home.  Zachary fixed last night's bass for part of dinner.  There wasn't enough for all of us, so Mom made chicken roll ups, too.  After dinner, we drove across the road to the firehouse (it was still raining and we don't have an umbrella!) for an ice cream social.  Again, the boys saw Lydia.  I love that they have someone to play with and hang out with while they're here. 

When we arrived home, Zachary and I went outside to watch the beautiful sky.  It was so pretty in every direction that Zachary said he wished he had eyes on the back of his head.  We are now thinking about what card game to play this evening!

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