Friday, July 27, 2012

Minnesota Vacation Day 15

Another near-perfect day here at the lake.  This morning's breakfast (which, by lasting until after 10AM almost became lunch) was blueberry-buttermilk pancakes from scratch.  After breakfast, I went down to the dock to watch Tim and the boys have some lake time.  Mom, Zachary, and I headed out to the Blueberry Festival around 12:45.  As always during blueberry festival weekend, Ely was PACKED.  I dropped my passengers off at the park and found a parking spot about 7 blocks away.  By the time I got back to them, Zachary had a route planned based on the vendors he wanted to see (3 places: one with jam, one with blueberry pop, and one with blueberry scones).  At some point during our tour of craft booths, we took a break for cheese curds (me), a corn dog (Zach), and a roast beef sandwich (Mom).  DEEE-lish.  I bought the children's book One Dog and a Canoe.  The author's mother apparently lives on Eaglesnest.  I'm pretty sure I've seen her books at book fair.  I also bought a Boundary Waters Boys CD.  Zachary picked out blueberry scone mix, and he decided to buy a pvc-pipe bow and arrow set for Jeremy.  He was beyond excited to give it to his brother.  What an awesome thing that bringing something to Jeremy would make him so excited. 

When we arrived back at the cabin, there was a note that Tim and Jeremy were fishing with Lydia.  Tim said they caught a mess of sunfish!  They came in when they saw us so that the three kids could go swimming.  This time, they swam off of the Knapp's dock.  This meant much running down the dock and jumping in, as the lake is about 6 feet deep at the end of their dock (compared to <2 feet at the end of ours).  I LOVED watching them, and even though the Knapps were keeping a close eye, I stayed in the water and on our floating dock and just enjoyed watching them.

They didn't come home until dinner time.  Tonight's meal was tacos.  We watched the Olympic Opening Ceremony during dinner - a special treat, as the TV is almost never on during dinner at the cabin.  We get our TV over air, so there was some fading in and out.  Tim, Josey, Zachary, and I went fishing at the sunken island after dinner.  Tim put me in charge of driving the boat for some reason.  On our way home, we gave the wheel to Zachary, who took us on a ride around our end of the lake.  He really enjoyed driving the boat, and even got us back to the dock in one piece.

While we were fishing, Jeremy practiced with his bow and arrow.  Grandma even let him shoot it down the hall into his bedroom in the cabin after it was time to come inside.  We ended the night with a game of Oh Heck and watching the end of today's Olympic coverage.

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