Sunday, July 29, 2012

Minnesota Vacation Day 17

Today was another work day, thanks in large part to Zachary's late-night vomit session all over his room, the hall, and the bathroom.  We had been thinking about going to church in Ely, but we made a trip to the laundromat instead.  Tim and I took Zachary along as a small penance for not making it to the toilet, even though he was still awake when he got sick and had no reason not be able to get there in time.  I can't even say how awful the cleanup was on this one.  One AM is not a good time to face something like that!

We were home for lunch, then Tim and I started working on installing the new cabinet doors in the bathroom.  The cabin is not the least bit plumb, so this was a bigger job than we had expected it to be.

After 3:30, we were finally done and headed down to the lake to swim.  Jeremy and Lydia worked on an action adventure movie, which they had me film.  Zachary stayed inside and did sudoku puzzles.  Dinner was a yummy pasta casserole.  After dinner, Tim and I went outside to watch a storm come in.  When things started looking really dicey, we came back in to the cabin, only to see it start hailing.  We had a hailstorm that lasted a good 20  minutes.  It was crazy to see the hail splashing into the lake.  When it was over, the skies cleared right away.  The kids went outside and had a ball playing with the ice.

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