Monday, July 30, 2012

Minnesota Vacation Day 18

Monday was a simple, easy day that involved a lot of reading, a visit at the Knapp's (which started with an invitation for Zachary to teach them how to play Oh Heck), a late afternoon swim, and dinner of pot roast.  After dinner, Jeremy, Tim, and I went out fishing.  Jeremy caught a tiny bass (so small I was willing to take it off the hook without gloves or a pliers), and Tim caught a fishing pole.  That's right.  He reeled in the lure first and then pulled in the line, rod, and reel behind it.  The kids were ridiculously excited about it - cracking up and yelling in their excitment.  Zachary sent emails about it to several people.  We've been wrapping up each evening by watching Olympic coverage.

The boys' new discovery is crushing rocks.  They find small, interesting rocks and crush them with larger rocks.  They think they might find something valuable.  It keeps them occupied, so I'm not going to tell them otherwise.

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