Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Christmas morning: Santa's gifts awaited the boys when they woke up:

They read from Luke before going downstairs.

Happily opening gifts.  Besides Santa gifts, they got calendars, shirts, popcorn, and a nerf dart target.

Goober's gift from Jeremy:

We cleaned this mess up a little, but not much, before heading to Tim's mom's place in Findlay.

Christmas dinner with Tim's mom, Aunt Lori, and Uncle Don:

Just a couple more gifts!

A hotly contested game of Chicken Foot:

Telestrations:  (many, many laughs!)

After Zach went to bed, Jeremy came out to help Tim, Lori, and I on this puzzle (started by Don). To say that Jeremy was peeved about the missing pieces may be an understatement!

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