Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Wow.  Worked hard to get to a photo that spoke "peace" to me today.  I spent some time over at my mom's house helping with outside lights.  It brought to mind a line in one of my new favorite songs by my old favorite band, Over the Rhine:  "Love: let it be not just a feeling, but the broken beauty of what we choose to do."  I do NOT like fighting with outdoor lights.  I DO love my mom.  So, there's that.  We survived.  We continued our new tradition of dinner with my mom on Tuesday nights, too.  It makes me actually cook - Mongolian Beef and a Blueberry Cheesecake Galette.  It was a long day.  My feet hurt, but maybe I found peace (it has to happen again and again and again and again).

My family got in on the photo fun tonight, rejecting the above images and more, but not coming up with any better ideas (that we were able to make work, anyhow!).  I finally got everyone in bed and went down to the now-finished Christmas tree. 

And that's all for today!

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