Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day Eleven: Lions? Tigers? Bears! Oh my!

This morning, the kids swam, and I read on the boathouse. Jeremy lost his silly bandz in the lake (did I forget to teach him that it's not a good idea to leave them on the dock when it's windy?). We did find all of them (at least as far as he knows), either in the slats between the boards of the dock or at the bottom of lake. A fun little treasure hunt!

After lunch, we finally made the trip to the Vince Shutte Bear Sanctuary. It only took an hour to get to Orr, but we spent some time in the general store (at the location of the original town general store - even had the old counter and cash register) and took the Bog Walk. We got to the Sanctuary around 6PM. Every time I go there, I'm awed. There had to have been 40-50 bears, all technically wild (as Susie said, we were fenced in, they are not!). We saw, cubs, yearlings, mamas, big papas, and even an old 3-legged bear named Schwin. We probably stayed on the platform for 2 1/2 hours. A highlight was watching a mama bear in a tree with her 3 cubs climbing all over and under her. Another mama's baby was stuck out on a limb in the same tree and couldn't get down for all the bear family in his way. He finally climbed over to a fir tree, climbed down a bit, and went back to the main tree to climb the rest of the way down.

We went to McDonald's in Cook on the way home. As there is no McDonald's within 45 minutes of the cabin in any direction, this made the kids very happy. We didn't get back to the cabin until 10:30 PM. There was a sun flare today, so we were supposed to be able to see the northern lights, but despite going down to the dock AND out to the road at midnight, we didn't see anything, but tons of beautiful stars.

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