Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day Twenty: Recovery

Thursday was supposed to be rainy, but again the rain held almost completely off, and we had a nice day at the cabin. Mom and I had thought about going to town, but decided against it. The boys swam with Tim in the morning. I was nursing a headache, so I finished my book and relaxed in our room while they swam. The kids just played outside for much of the day. After a late lunch, we took the boat to "Case Island" in Lake 2. We went back to the springholes to look around and fished a bit on our way back. Back at the cabin, I swam while Tim played card games with Jeremy, and Zachary goofed around outside. It wasn't sunny, but it was still a nice afternoon to enjoy the lake. We had a late dinner of spaghetti, then Tim and I went out fishing. We didn't catch anything, but no matter. What an amazing evening. The sky was clearing a bit and was bright orange. Of course, I didn't bring my camera, but maybe that allowed me to enjoy it even more in real life. We saw a couple of bats flying low around us again tonight.

When we got home, we played a fun game of penny in the pot with the kids. When I asked Zachary about his favorite part of the vacation, he said, "Emily and sour octopi." What a kid!

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