Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 13: Wind

It was a windy and threatening storms all day. The morning was spent outside moving boats, and getting ready for a big storm which didn't exactly ever come as bad as we expected. We took the boys over to the firehouse, where Zachary road successfully down the hill on his scooter 9 times. As you may have already guessed, the 10th time was not such a success. He went rolling about halfway down the hill. He's scraped up on his knees, elbow, and face. He's OK, but he walked like an old man all day. He won't actually straighten his knees! We had to calm things down by doing a craft project in the screenhouse (of course I carried him down there!)

By evening, it was much calmer, and Tim and I went out fishing with just Josey (thanks for the babysitting, Mom!). I actually drove the boat the whole way. Tim caught a sunfish and a Northern Pike. He is pretty much a catch and release fisherman unless a kid has caught the fish and is BEGGING him to keep it, so of course he didn't keep these. I was pretty proud of myself for managing the boat, the depth finder, AND my own fishing pole, but I didn't catch anything.

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