Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 15: Picnic

Tim and Josey left for home at 8:30 this morning. Mom, the boys, and I went to the Eaglesnest Lake Association picnic. Zachary was beyond excited that he won a doorprize - a little yellow cloth bag filled with dollar coins and candy. Jeremy was satisfied that Zachary would share, and he also loved watching Tom and Jerry in the back room with the kids. We were over there for a couple of hours, then we came home and played some Kings in the Corner. Then, I had a lazy afternoon, letting the boys watch movies while I read and rested. It was very windy again today.

This evening, we drove around "deer hunting." For anyone who doesn't know, this is driving around looking for wildlife and trying to get photos. We saw about 11 deer, including 2 fawns and two young males. We also saw a red fox. Beautiful!

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