Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 14: Packing

We did our adventure boat ride this morning to use up some of the gas in the boat. Zachary drove for a bit (until he made me seasick), but Jeremy didn't want to. Following the "traditional" route for the adventure trip, we went into Lake 2 and explored "Case Island." There are certain people who think it should be called "Hicks Island," but obviously they're wrong! The spring holes were pretty and almost as remote feeling as I remember them, despite the new cabins. We saw the eagle back there, and some mergansers. Then, we went over to the river, where we got stuck on a rock! We did extricate ourselves from the rock without harming the motor in any way.

So, then it was time to pull the boat out. Tim did the set up work, and we all went over to the public landing. I tried to back the trailer into the lake, but didn't QUITE make it, so I handed the work over to Tim! Let's just say we did eventually get the boat back home in one piece. Tim put away the motor and we put the canoe under the cabin. Before bedtime, we did get to play one last game of Penny in the Pot with the boys.

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