Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 9: Explorers

Day 9: The morning was spent recovering from a day of me not straightening our room. It's incredible what a mess can be generated in just one day. After lunch, my boys (all three of them) and I set out for Twin Lakes. We put in the canoe and paddled all around the two little lakes. While investigating a beaver dam, we found the small river that led to Mitchell Lake. We were able to follow it for a while but were finally stopped by a dam all the way across. Tim vowed to explore it some year. It was a beautiful day, and a pretty paddle despite the lack of wildlife. We did see one loon. We occupied the boys by having them try to take photos of things that started with each letter of the alphabet (with Jeremy's waterproof camera). Then, we all played name that tune. At the landing, we found hatched turtle eggs and the remains of a turtle, too. The boys buried the bones and shell and gave it a tombstone. So funny!

They also convinced us to camp in the yard. Zachary and I swam, then we set up the tent. Jeremy took about six loads of stuffed animals out. After dinner, we stoked up the fire and made some s'mores. I love that the boys are so happy from such a simple thing.

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